Recruiter Directory - P

Our Partners are organizations and companies that actively seek to recruit from minority groups, regardless of race, gender, ethnic origin, disability, or sexual orientation. We work with a broad and diverse range of employers, supporting their efforts in community outreach and engagement to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce that reflects the community they serve.

We believe that a more diverse and inclusive workforce not only benefits society, but also has commercial advantages for businesses. By embracing diversity, companies can tap into new markets, attract a wider pool of talent, and foster a more creative and innovative workplace culture.

We take pride in working with our Partners and supporting their efforts in building a diverse and inclusive workforce. Our aim is to create a more equitable and just society where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed.

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  1. Port Sunlight Village Trust (PSVT) is an independent charitable trust responsible for preserving and promoting the village. Set up by Unilever in 1999, the Trust works with Port Sunlight’s residents to create a self-sustaining village for all who live, visit and work here. All of the village’s...

  2. Partner with Premier We specialise in placing real talent into some of the most exciting PR, Marketing & Creative roles in London and internationally. We offer a service you can count on for a tailored approach, expert advice, and tangible results ✨ We pride ourselves on being knowledgeable experts...